Learn how to build a simple input system to detect pinches on touch screens and scroll wheel turns with the mouse using the new Unity Input System and Unity Events. This approach uses bindings with modifiers to detect if two fingers are touching the screen and gets the position values through the enhanced touch API.
The Player Input Action Map
We want to define our player input actions in the player input action map.
We first want an action with “Action Type” = “Value” and “Control Type” = “Vector2” and we can name this something like “Pinch [Touch]”. Then, “Add Binding With Two Modifiers” and set the first Modifier to “Touch#0/Touch Contact?” and the second modifier to “Touch#1/Touch Contact?”. This will check if both finger 0 (primary finger) and finger 1 (secondary finger) are on the screen. Then, as the binding add a continuous value stream, such as “Delta [Touchscreen]”.
For the scroll wheel interaction, add a new action and call it something sensible like “Scroll [Mouse]” with an “Action Type” = “Value” and “Control Type” = “Vector2”. Then simply add a Binding to “Scroll [Mouse]”.
The Player Input Controller
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.EnhancedTouch;
using Touch = UnityEngine.InputSystem.EnhancedTouch.Touch;
using TouchPhase = UnityEngine.InputSystem.TouchPhase;
public class PlayerInputController : MonoBehaviour
public Transform sphereTransform;
private void Awake()
// Enable enhanced touch support if not already
if (!EnhancedTouchSupport.enabled)
public void Pinch(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
// if there are not two active touches, return
if (Touch.activeTouches.Count < 2)
// get the finger inputs
Touch primary = Touch.activeTouches[0];
Touch secondary = Touch.activeTouches[1];
// check if none of the fingers moved, return
if (primary.phase == TouchPhase.Moved || secondary.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
// if fingers have no history, then return
if (primary.history.Count < 1 || secondary.history.Count < 1)
// calculate distance before and after touch movement
float currentDistance = Vector2.Distance(primary.screenPosition, secondary.screenPosition);
float previousDistance = Vector2.Distance(primary.history[0].screenPosition, secondary.history[0].screenPosition);
// the zoom distance is the difference between the previous distance and the current distance
float pinchDistance = currentDistance - previousDistance;
public void Scroll(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
if (context.phase != InputActionPhase.Performed)
float scrollDistance = context.ReadValue().y;
public void Zoom(float distance)
distance = distance * 0.01f;
sphereTransform.localScale += new Vector3(distance, distance, distance);